Moving Through Impasse: Preventions and Interventions
How often have you heard and said, “I’ve had it! This is too hard! We’re stuck!”
Making the paradigm shift from traditional to collaborative practice is challenging. Increasing self-awareness and developing specific skills can facilitate this shift. Gathering practical information while drawing out emotional content is necessary to build trust, develop rapport, and prevent impasse. Even with these skills, obstacles are likely to occur.
This training will enable you to understand the components and complexities of impasse and provide new and specific interventions for keeping the process moving. This workshop provides opportunities to integrate interventions through practice.
A video episode from the Collaborative Divorce Video Training Series will show real professionals working with ‘real’ clients on emotionally charged and challenging issues.
- Identify obstacles and develop skills to make the paradigm shift
- Learn how to anticipate, assess, and manage obstacles
- Learn innovative problem-solving model
- Learn 10 specific interventions for preventing and managing impasse